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Traditori di Kamigawa

Regular | Foil | Promo | Signed | Playset | Etched Foil | Artwork | Halo Foil | The List | Full Art | Textured Foil | Galaxy Foil | Prerelease | Oil Foil | Confetti Foil

Near Mint | Excellent | Good | Light Played | Played | Poor | Mint | Signed | Artwork | Foil | Normal | Inked

Artefatto | Creatura | Incantesimo | Istantaneo | Terra | Stregoneria | Planeswalker

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Mitica | Rara | Non comune| Comune

Bianco | Blu | Nero | Rosso | Verde | Multicolore | Incolore

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4 carte visualizzate su 4

Carta Nome - Name Ed.  Tipo  F/C  - Costo 
Ordina   -         -  
TK151 Genju del Reame
Genju of the Realm
Incantesimo Leggendario
TK001 Giorno del Destino
Day of Destiny
Incantesimo Leggendario
TK004 Giudizio Finale
Final Judgment
TK156 Globo dei Sogni
Orb of Dreams

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