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Dominaria Remastered: Extras Retro

Regular | Foil | Promo | Signed | Playset | Etched Foil | Artwork | Halo Foil | The List | Full Art | Textured Foil | Galaxy Foil | Prerelease | Oil Foil | Confetti Foil

Near Mint | Excellent | Good | Light Played | Played | Poor | Mint | Signed | Artwork | Foil | Normal | Inked

Artefatto | Creatura | Incantesimo | Istantaneo | Terra | Stregoneria | Planeswalker

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Mitica | Rara | Non comune| Comune

Bianco | Blu | Nero | Rosso | Verde | Multicolore | Incolore

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25 carte visualizzate su 150

Carta Nome - Name Ed.  Tipo  F/C  - Costo 
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DMR355 Arcades Sabboth
Arcades Sabboth
Creatura Leggendaria — Elder Dragon
DMR336 Birds of Paradise
Birds of Paradise (V.1)
Creatura — Bird
DMR298 Body Snatcher
Body Snatcher
Creatura — Phyrexian Minion
DMR300 Chainer's Edict
Chainer's Edict (V.1)
DMR281 Counterspell
DMR394 Dark Depths
Dark Depths (V.1)
Legendary Snow Terra

DMR301 Dark Withering
Dark Withering
DMR282 Denizen of the Deep
Denizen of the Deep (V.1)
Creatura — Serpent
DMR262 Divine Sacrament
Divine Sacrament
DMR357 Dralnu's Crusade
Dralnu's Crusade

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