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Carta Nome - Name Ed.  Tipo  F/C  - Costo 
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AKH239 Acquitrino del Canyon
Canyon Slough
Palude Montagna

AKH248 Boschetto Riparato
Sheltered Thicket
Montagna Foresta

AKH240 Cataratte Iridescenti
Cascading Cataracts

AKH245 Colture Irrigate
Irrigated Farmland
Pianura Isola

AKH234 Cripta dell'Oracolo
Oracle's Vault
AKH235 Piramide del Pantheon
Pyramid of the Pantheon
AKH243 Pozze Fetide
Fetid Pools
Isola Palude

AKH247 Selve Diradate
Scattered Groves
Foresta Pianura

AKH237 Trono del Dio Faraone
Throne of the God-Pharaoh
Artefatto Leggendario

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