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Jumpstart 2022

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25 carte visualizzate su 835

Carta Nome - Name Ed.  Tipo  F/C  - Costo 
Ordina   -         -  
100 Plains
Terra Base — Plains

99 Plains
Terra Base — Plains

51 Planar Atlas
Planar Atlas
37 Plundering Predator
Plundering Predator
Creatura — Dragon
707 Pounce
228 Pouncing Lynx
Pouncing Lynx
Creatura — Cat
708 Predator's Howl
Predator's Howl
63 Preordain
709 Presence of Gond
Presence of Gond
Incantesimo — Aura
337 Press for Answers
Press for Answers
8 Preston, the Vanisher
Preston, the Vanisher
Legendary Creatura — Rabbit Wizard
710 Prey Upon
Prey Upon
580 Prickly Marmoset
Prickly Marmoset
Creatura — Monkey
711 Pridemalkin
Creatura — Cat
457 Priest of the Blood Rite
Priest of the Blood Rite
Creatura — Human Cleric
42 Primeval Herald
Primeval Herald
Creatura — Elf Scout
712 Primordial Hydra
Primordial Hydra
Creatura — Hydra
581 Professional Face-Breaker
Professional Face-Breaker
Creatura — Human Warrior
229 Prowling Felidar
Prowling Felidar
Creatura — Cat Beast
713 Prowling Serpopard
Prowling Serpopard
Creatura — Cat Snake
792 Psychosis Crawler
Psychosis Crawler
Artefatto Creatura — Phyrexian Horror
582 Pyre-Sledge Arsonist
Pyre-Sledge Arsonist
Creatura — Viashino Shaman
583 Quakefoot Cyclops
Quakefoot Cyclops
Creatura — Cyclops
714 Quarry Beetle
Quarry Beetle
Creatura — Insect
230 Radiant's Judgment
Radiant's Judgment

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